A tree of horrors
about 9 years ago
– Mon, Dec 07, 2015 at 08:24:49 PM
This is just a quick update to pass along a current Kickstarter that I couldn't resist sharing. My good friends at Arkham Bazaar, who you may know better as the show runners of the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival, are running a very short campaign for Cthulhu themed Christmas ornaments. It ends in a matter of hours but there is still time to support them and deck your tree out in an inappropriately squamous fashion. Gwen and Brian were tremendous supporters of the Book of Starry Wisdom so I wanted to be sure to do my small part to help with their project. Check it out!
In 'Starry Wisdom news, editing and sketches continue apace but there is little to report since the last update. That said, I'm working on finalizing plans for the backer survey, so keep an eye out for the in the near future.
The End Times Begin!
about 9 years ago
– Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 06:18:53 AM
I could ramble a lot right now but when you get right down to it here it is: 430 of you have entrusted me to make The Book of Starry Wisdom a reality. Thank you. I am overwhelmed.
More tomorrow.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
What comes next?
about 9 years ago
– Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 06:18:51 AM
Now that I've had a day to sleep for 12 hours and not compulsively check Kickstarter every waking moment, I wanted to say thanks again from myself, Valerie Herron, and all of our contributors. Thank you!
What comes next, you may be asking? Well, in early December I will send out a survey to all backers in which you'll give us your mailing address and any information related to add-ons you maybe have pledged for (map, art prints, additional copies).
In the meantime, I'm going to be editing essays, working on book layout, and getting additional quotes to see if I can't sneak a few more extras into the production values of the final print run for The Book of Starry Wisdom. Valerie will also be working on the remaining interior illustrations and we'll share some of those as they are completed.
I also want to remind everyone of what's already been accomplished, because it's considerable and amazing!
We'll release Kira Corina Bird's R'lyeh font to all backers first, and then the entire world as a Creative Commons item. This is our way of giving back to the entire Lovecraftian community.
All backers will receive a free download of Mr. Zoth & the Werespiders soundtrack for The Book of Starry Wisdom. Steven Saunders (Mr. Zoth himself) and I are working on getting this out to you in the couple of months.
And of course, The Book of Starry Wisdom will be penned, printed, and unleashed upon our cult, and an unsuspecting world in July of 2016.
Thanks again, and we'll have lots to show you soon as we get ready to go to press in spring of 2016!
The soundtrack is here!
over 9 years ago
– Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 10:13:44 AM
With the Kickstarter itself behind us I've returned to editing essays and Valerie is beginning work on the first illustration for "Dagon." There's not much to report on the back end right now, but...I'm pleased to announce that the inimitable Mr. Zoth and the Werespiders have completed their soundtrack for The Book of Starry Wisdom! This 11 track album is a free gift to all of our backers. For now, the download is totally free for all, but Mr. Zoth will begin charging the general public for it in a month or so. If you miss your free download between now and then please email Mr. Zoth himself to get a download code. He can be reached at: [email protected]
In the meantime, I'm hard at work with the authors and their essays and will keep you posted on our progress in the coming months. Thanks again!
over 9 years ago
– Sun, Nov 01, 2015 at 04:19:16 PM
Thanks to all 367 of you The Book of Starry Wisdom is going to be a reality! To say that I'm overwhelmed would be the grossest understatement imaginable. On behalf of myself, Valerie Herron, and all of our contributors let me say it one more time. Thank you.
We still have three days to go and stretch goals are definitely on the table at the rate we've been gaining pledges! Keep sharing the word. The whole world deserves the chance at annihilation offered within the pages of our tome.
Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fhtagn!